SLX-D: Hardware UX Design
Complete product experience of a professional wireless audio system.
#UX #Hardware #Enterprise
Channels App
UX support on Androidify an iOS app.
#UI #Mobile #Enterprise
Screen2Note: Chrome Extension App
Chrome extension app that improves note taking productivity for virtual learners.
#UI #Web #Consumer
SystemOn: Web App Redesign
UI Redesign of Enterprise Conferencing Management Software.
#UI #UX #Web #Enterprise
Research Study: Improving Exhibition Accessibility
A case study on accessibility for the visually impaired at the Shedd Aquarium.
#Accessibility #Research #Museum
Ice-Burg: Interactive Art Installation
Designed, fabricated and programed two pieces of interactive art installation.
#Art #Hardware #UX
Light Race: Mobile Game App
A game app that interacts with a public art project in Chicago.
#UX #UI #Mobile #Consumer